Sterling Silver Napkin

Rare Vintage Cased Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Napkin Rings Mid 20th C

Rare Vintage Cased Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Napkin Rings Mid 20th C

Rare Vintage Cased Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Napkin Rings Mid 20th C    Rare Vintage Cased Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Napkin Rings Mid 20th C
Take Piccadilly line to Manor House station. We specialise in English and Continental antique furniture, silver and porcelain. Bank details: Regent Antiques - BBVA - Account: 05701615 - Sort: 23-59-11.
Rare Vintage Cased Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Napkin Rings Mid 20th C    Rare Vintage Cased Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Napkin Rings Mid 20th C